I'm just North of you in BC and I'm using Cocoon on my project.

I'm sure there are others, but the 2 biggest things I've seen is the lack of diverse clients locally. By that I mean the really poor telephony networks across NA compared to other areas means I rarely see or build stuff for local clients that isn't focused on IE as the primary client. For customers that businesses abroad, you get more diversity in the devices used and a greater need to support them.
The other thing that I've seen is that many in the Java community focus only on JSP frameworks and extensions to them, as opposed to alternate standards such as XForms (for example).

Thor HW

On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 09:48 PM, Jeff Ramsdale wrote:

Hi all,

I'm just curious about something. I've been reading the Cocoon-users list
for a couple of weeks or so and I see a lot of folks in Europe (and
Australia--Jeff T!) interested in Cocoon. I'm sure it's not a matter of
Americans (& Canadians?) not being interested, I'm sure. (Oh, & Antonio, I
don't want to leave you out!) Right?

With the utmost respect for the Project I observe that Cocoon is a bit of a
fringe product as far as web development is concerned. I happen to believe
this "fringe" is the leading edge of something big, which is why I'm here.
So here's my question: If any of what I've said above has truth in it, is
there a particular reason why Cocoon might have special appeal to Europeans?
Is there something about the mindset of European programmers that leads them
to Cocoon? Is Open-Source Software viewed differently, on the whole, in
Europe than America? Does this have anything to do with Microsoft's
influence in America? I guess that's more than one question! Interested in
your observations...

Reason I ask... I live in Seattle (Microsoft-land), and I'd love to find
work using Cocoon and/or Java (but especially Cocoon!), but I don't see as
much mindshare here as I think it deserves.


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