
an interesting question and one that we have discussed before with Stefano.
Here are a few reasons I can come up with:

* Cocoon is strong on multi-channel publishing - especially useful for
application scenarios in the mobile market. There are a lot of differences
between these markets in Europe and the US. However the US will eventually
catch up - so watch for Cocoon to become stronger there.

* There are a lot of corporate mergers happening in Europe - and so an
integration platform is needed. Another of Cocoon's strong points.

* Cocoon is a European driven project. It was started by an Italian and most
of the developers are European.

* There are a lot of European companies using Cocoon - which in turn feeds
back into the project.

* The visibility of Cocoon is high in European publications and events
(magazines, conferences). This again feeds back into the project.

* There is a strong movement on Open Source in European governments and
related institutions

* Open Source is becoming a theme for large corporations in Europe. When we
started our humble open source group 2 1/2 years ago - no-one was
interested. Now the story is very different.

Just my thoughts.


Open Source Group       Cocoon { Consulting, Training, Projects }
Matthew Langham, S&N AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
Tel:+49-5251-1581-30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Cocoon book:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Ramsdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:48 AM
> Subject: Cocoon use worldwide
> Hi all,
> I'm just curious about something. I've been reading the Cocoon-users list
> for a couple of weeks or so and I see a lot of folks in Europe (and
> Australia--Jeff T!) interested in Cocoon. I'm sure it's not a matter of
> Americans (& Canadians?) not being interested, I'm sure. (Oh, & Antonio, I
> don't want to leave you out!) Right?
> With the utmost respect for the Project I observe that Cocoon is
> a bit of a
> fringe product as far as web development is concerned. I happen to believe
> this "fringe" is the leading edge of something big, which is why I'm here.
> So here's my question: If any of what I've said above has truth in it, is
> there a particular reason why Cocoon might have special appeal to
> Europeans?
> Is there something about the mindset of European programmers that
> leads them
> to Cocoon? Is Open-Source Software viewed differently, on the whole, in
> Europe than America? Does this have anything to do with Microsoft's
> influence in America? I guess that's more than one question! Interested in
> your observations...
> Reason I ask... I live in Seattle (Microsoft-land), and I'd love to find
> work using Cocoon and/or Java (but especially Cocoon!), but I don't see as
> much mindshare here as I think it deserves.
> Jeff
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