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> > Shouldn't it be sending a KILL upstream?
> > 
> > This means that the first server thats clock is slow will squit every
> > other server on the network.  Should be fun!
> Actually, an addendum to my last email--I couldn't decide whether to
> put in cptr or cli_user(sptr)->server.  Putting in cptr will squit *us*
> from the network (if we're a leaf), so that might be better--it'll force
> us to reconnect and thus resync.

Ah, cptr would be good.

> I think I'd still prefer a solution where we solicit a SETTIME...or
> better yet, make certain everyone's using ntpd and force them all to
> turn on RELIABLE_CLOCK :)  (At this rate, I tend to prefer the latter;
> we're having far, FAR too many clock problems :/ )

Hmm, sounds like we should send a "SETTIME", then if we ever recieve a
SETTIME thats wrong, and our clock is RELIABLE, then we send a SETTIME
back upstream with the correct time instead.

Unless we have wrong RELIABLE_CLOCK's this would work nicely.  If the
clocks aren't reliable, then they could "war"

- -- 
The worst cliques are those which consist of one man. -- G.B. Shaw
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Only when you are sure they have you, can you stop being paranoid


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