> > I think I'd still prefer a solution where we solicit a SETTIME...or
> > better yet, make certain everyone's using ntpd and force them all to
> > turn on RELIABLE_CLOCK :)  (At this rate, I tend to prefer the latter;
> > we're having far, FAR too many clock problems :/ )
> Hmm, sounds like we should send a "SETTIME", then if we ever recieve a
> SETTIME thats wrong, and our clock is RELIABLE, then we send a SETTIME
> back upstream with the correct time instead.
> Unless we have wrong RELIABLE_CLOCK's this would work nicely.  If the
> clocks aren't reliable, then they could "war"

I came up with the exact same idea with a slight modification to prevent
the war--if *we're* the target, don't bounce a SETTIME back, and the
SETTIME is only sent to the previous hop.  GMTA, eh?
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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