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On Monday 30 Dec 2002 8:25 am, Tom Scott wrote:

> What if we had a mode +c (this is an example btw), for no mIRC colors?
> Before sending messages to the channel, it would check for mIRC
> colors...and strip them if +c was enabled. This would prevent a lot of
> bans from occurring...

        Too much overhead for the IRC servers and not really needed - if people don't 
like the colours most clients will allow them to be stripped off.  And 
reducing the number of bans for using colours isn't really someting we're 
concerned with - people should just learn to respect the rules of channels 
they go in.

> Another idea: A mode +o (yet again example letter), for Opers Only? If
> some net/server wants to have a #staff channel or a #meeting channel or
> something, they could include +o so only Opers could join...Now I know

        Increadibly limited use not to mention esoteric.  I can't see it being 
accepted on Undernet.  Adding a new channel mode which will get used on one 
channel on the whole network doesn't make any real sense.  In general if we 
want to make a channel oper only, we just set it +i like anyone else would 
when they want to control who gets in.

- -- 
Chris "_Shad0w_" Crowther
oper @ London.UK.EU.Undernet.Org
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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