On Thu, 2013-07-18 at 22:22 -0400, Michael Poole wrote:

> Just so people are not left wondering, I have better ways to spend my
> time than to debunk emails that are driven by emotion and ignorance of
> the subject matter(s) at hand.
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What subject matters Michael? If you're referring to Laura's statement
about legal matters, I have to agree with her, the world is not bound,
or driven, by U.S. law. If you're a U.S. citizen then you might be, but
I'm an aussie, and like majority on the people of this planet, sure as
hell are not, that's not being spiteful, it's about being factual.

Emotion is what drives a lot of people about privacy, and some are more
passionate about it than others, doesn't mean it is wrong.

You might not like it, but the world _is_ outraged at how the U.S. Govt
is acting, christ, even the U.S. people are outraged by their own govt's
actions, albeit for slightly different reasons, but all still under the
same program.

To shut down an idea based on one countries laws, you may not have
intended it to come across as such, but it certainly does sound like it,
does truly set off alarm bells about the project, although I suspect
there is far more to that, given many other popular software based in
the U.S., like sendmail, postifx, apache - and the list goes on, can do
it within law, no reason why ircu can not.

In an age where most security experts are encouraging the use of SSL for
everything, I too think it makes sense to move forward in that direction
by incorporating SSL into ircu.

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