On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-07-18 at 22:22 -0400, Michael Poole wrote:
> Just so people are not left wondering, I have better ways to spend my
> time than to debunk emails that are driven by emotion and ignorance of
> the subject matter(s) at hand.
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> What subject matters Michael? If you're referring to Laura's statement about
> legal matters, I have to agree with her, the world is not bound, or driven,
> by U.S. law. If you're a U.S. citizen then you might be, but I'm an aussie,
> and like majority on the people of this planet, sure as hell are not, that's
> not being spiteful, it's about being factual.

The only thing that US law has to do with anything is that the US --
like 40 other countries, including most of those already mentioned --
has implemented export controls under the Wassenaar Arrangement, and
Kev and I are bound by that to not export cryptographic software to
certain banned countries, to people on the Denied Persons List, and so
forth.  Everyone else who has mailed on this thread so far is affected
by similar export controls.

Other countries -- Russia, China, and Israel to name a few -- require
licenses for use of cryptography (although in Israel, the government
can declare particular items to be "free means" that do not need a
specific license).  That is what I meant about making ircu illegal to
use in some places.

Anyone who feels outraged by "PRISM" type programs should read up on
their own local laws about mandatory key disclosure, lawful intercept
requirements, and the like; US law provides slightly more protections
than most countries' laws.  Separately, that two countries got caught
red-handed does not mean that other countries are innocent of doing
(or attempting) the same kind of thing.

Even further: 

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