On 2/2/02 6:09 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(To Peter : )

> You are saying simple users ( even if those simple users are jakarta
> commiters ) can't vote.

If you look back at what happened to start this thread, *Peter* was *told*
that his vote didn't matter because he wasn't in the 'status file'.

Why is this getting inverted?

(As a side effect, Peter demonstrated what some people consider a problem in
the governance model of Commons, but I think that's beside this point.)

>I'm saying they do vote anyway -
> for example by duplicating the code ( and creating  yet another DB pool
> or logger ). And by making sure the rules are set so their
> opinion matters as much as that of the original developers we
> may get them to trust the common component. If you don't
> trust other jakarta commiters, why should they trust you ?

I think it comes to trusting someone in a specific domain of expertise.  For
other jakarta projects (generally speaking) it is my impression that people
are committers because of expertise in areas related to that specific
project and are trusted by others *in that specific project* (or some aspect
of it for the larger ones.)

Costin, I trust your work on the servlet container.

That doesn't mean I trust you with everything.  To be frank, I do trust you
with most things you choose to participate in, but it's not because you are
a 'Jakarta Committer'.  It's because I know you and your work.

Similarly, I don't know what (or if) you trust me for (I doubt you use
Velocity :), but if there was something, I wouldn't expect it was because I
am a 'Jakarta Committer'.

Geir Magnusson Jr.                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
"Now what do we do?"

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