The only problem is that jelly is still in sandbox.

be in a suficiently stable state ( if other components
start to have deps ). So it may be the time for someone
to make the proposal  for commons.


Morgan Delagrange wrote:

> Hey all,
> I finished a rough cut conversion of the Latka tags
> and validators to Jelly.  The Jelly tags have syntax
> identical to the previous Latka tags.  I think it will
> be pretty easy to emulate Latka variables inside the
> Jelly expression language (JEXL).  With a patch I made
> to Jelly this week, I think even the lack of a
> namespace declaration in existing scripts will not be
> a problem.
> I believe that the functionality of the Jelly tags is
> actually a complete superset of the previous
> implementation.  The command line interface should be
> able to function unchanged if converted to a Jelly
> backend, but the new tags will make it much easier to
> run Latka inside applications like Ant and JUnit.  I
> propose that we make Jelly one of Latka's
> dependencies, so that we can remove the XML handlers
> and processors that support the previous tags.  In my
> view, the Jelly implementation is much cleaner and
> will render the old tags unnecessary.
> - Morgan
> =====
> Morgan Delagrange
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