BUGFIX: The old TelnetClient did not clean the arrays used for option processing
for each connection (as in the original class no option was accepted, the bug was there
but it did not have the chance to come out)
In the case that the same TelnetClient instance is used for more than one time, this
results in a problem in the negotiation the second time you try to accept an option.

The enclose classes fix this bug (modified Telnet.java, _connectAction_ to fix the bug)

Please ignore the patch I sent before, this new patch includes all the preceeding + the

Best regards,
Bruno D'Avanzo

>>You forgot to include a patch :)
>I include a zip file with the sources for the TERMINAL-TYPE patch.
>I am really a newbie in contributing to jakarta, so i'm sorry if this is
>not the right procedure for submitting patches. 
>>>Also, I think that the support for subnegotiating options can be reused
>>>for implementing support for other telnet options. I think that the best
>>>way to do this could be defining a java interface for managing options and
>>>letting users of the library define their own class for managing options.
>>Sounds good.  Submit a patch.
>The included patch only deals with TERMINAL-TYPE. I'll try to send a patch
>for an open-option version of the TelnetClient by March 17th: I have a clear
>idea of how to do that, but I'm facing a hard schedule on my job right now :-(

Attachment: terminal-type-patch.ZIP
Description: Zip compressed data

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