On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 11:27, Ricky Panaglucci wrote:
> hello,
> is it by design, that SetPropertyRule and
> SetPropertiesRule use BeanUtils.populate()?
> it would be usefull to use other binders as well.

Well, the term "property" in the name of these rules is intended to
refer to the definition of a JavaBean property as per the official
JavaBean specification.

The BeanUtils library implements that specification, so there doesn't
seem to be much need for allowing the user to configure alternate

If you do wish to map xml attributes to class methods in a way other
than the JavaBean spec defines, you can always create your own rule,
which uses some other algorithm for determining which method to invoke
on an object given an xml attribute or element name.

What "other binder" do you have in mind?



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