On Wednesday, October 29, 2003, at 09:21 AM, Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:

robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[about beanutils]

One of the beauties of digster + beanutils is, that you can use this:

      <pattern value="signal">
          <alias attr-name="attrA"    prop-name="attrA" />
          <alias attr-name="attrB"    prop-name="foo.attrB" />

and get the second property setter deferenced to getFoo().setAttrB()

which I wouldn't want to miss for anything in the world. So please keep
Beanutils. :-)

one of the reasons why i've been thinking of factoring out the interface is that some of the more advanced stuff that beanutils can now do (or will be able to do in the future) means passing in a configured bean (rather than using the class methods). but don't worry, backwards compatibility will be retained.

- robert

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