> One of the beauties of digster + beanutils is, that
> you can use this:
>       <pattern value="signal">
>         <set-properties-rule>
>           <alias attr-name="attrA"   
> prop-name="attrA" />
>           <alias attr-name="attrB"   
> prop-name="foo.attrB" />
>         </set-properties-rule>
>       </pattern>
> and get the second property setter deferenced to
> getFoo().setAttrB()
> which I wouldn't want to miss for anything in the
> world. So please keep
> Beanutils. :-)

probably just miscommunication, it was not my
intention to rip out the heart of digester ;)
only that it should be possible to achive the 
behaviour you described by other means than BeanUtils 
(which could be used by default)


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