Ricky Panaglucci wrote:

i like beanutils very much.
but the assumption being made is, that the target object either implements set/get according to spec or
is an instance of DynaBean.

Note that "the spec" you are talking about is the JavaBeans spec, which allows you to define BeanInfo classes for your beans if they don't use the standard get/set naming pattern for properties.

imo it would be appreciated by many users (at least
in the longterm) if an interface and/or factory is
provided which, call it a "use case", allows for custom DynaBean-like behaviour.


ps. do you mean sending example implementation?

This would require a Digester private API for defining what kinds of property setting could be done, and seems like a rational enhancement for those who want to specialize. But it seems a heck of a lot easier to just define some Rule implementations that do what *you* want. There's no requirement to use the standard Rule implementations that are provided.


--- robert burrell donkin
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi

beanutils adds quite a few powerful features which
(seems to me to) justify these dependencies.

there are some good reasons why it might be useful
to abstract the actual population from the mechanism used to perform the
population. i'm not sure whether the best way to do this would be through
delegation to a strategy interface or through inheritance. i'd be interested
to here other people's views on this.

i don't seem to get as much coding time as i'd like
these days so i probably won't get round to coding this any time
soon but patches (including test cases ;) would be gratefully

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