On Thursday, October 30, 2003, at 12:50 AM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
Ricky Panaglucci wrote:


imo it would be appreciated by many users (at least
in the longterm) if an interface and/or factory is
provided which, call it a "use case", allows for custom DynaBean-like behaviour.


ps. do you mean sending example implementation?

This would require a Digester private API for defining what kinds of property setting could be done, and seems like a rational enhancement for those who want to specialize.


i'm sort of thinking forward to when we get time to complete the beanutification of beanutils (i know that it's been a long time coming). it would be useful to be able to easily create subclasses that took particular beanutilbean instances. this would allow (say) custom converters to be registered at different patterns.

But it seems a heck of a lot easier to just define some Rule implementations that do what *you* want. There's no requirement to use the standard Rule implementations that are provided.


- robert

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