Henri Yandell wrote:

2.) How will we relate to Jakarta Commons? certainly we may have
dependencies on parts of the commons, but doesn't this leave little
room for jakarta commons components to utilize math as a dependency as
they are generally expected to be dependent on only other jakarta
commons projects.

commons-maths will still be part of jakarta-commons :)

it'll only be managed by the apache-commons pmc.

I'm with Rod here. It won't be a part of jakarta-commons, though it should
still be some kind of link on the Jakarta site. Jakarta Commons ought to
have a vote to add dependency on Apache Commons Java projects as an
acceptable concpet.

This does raise a question in the PMC-setup for the ASF. If a project is
meant to be a part of Jakarta and another project, ie) Commons, must there
be a 1 to 1 mapping on the PMCs.


Another issue to consider between the two groups is the java package namespace:


-- Mark Diggory Software Developer Harvard MIT Data Center http://www.hmdc.harvard.edu

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