Henri Yandell wrote:

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Most Commons projects have arisen from either top level apache projects,
xml apache projects or jakarta apache projects. As such they are

You'd be surprised that this isn't as common as you think :) Many came out
of a junky 'util' project. Struts have been good about factoring out some
internal bits, but to a large extent I think the Struts ones are the only
ones that have succeeded as spawned projects. Many of the other spawned
projects didn't make it out of the sandbox.

hmm, I see

I think a great deal of thought has to go into why this sort of
perceived bifurcation is occurring between Apache Commons and Jakarta
Commons. Is there a problem here? Are groups disagreeing with one
anothers written mandates? Or perceived mandates? Do people just not
like working together? Maybe Jakarta needs to issue a more "uptodate"
position on its content? There certainly are allot of non-server

It's confusing. I don't think anyone knows yet what the deal will be with
A-C and J-C. There's no board-push to move J-C to A-C, and A-C is really
just waiting for things to turn up so far.

Yes, this is what I'm concerned about.

oriented tools in it, (CLI, Jelly, BCEL, BSF, Gump, Log4j, ORO, Regexp,
JMeter . . .) and there really isn't anything that suggest Jakarta or
the Jakarta Commons are only for Server related packages. What I do see
are different groups of programmers forming separate schools or "clicks".

[cliques] :)

Yes Mrs. Smith, my Spell checker ate my English homework...

Do you mean language based? Java vs C vs Python vs Perl? Or internal
Jakarta based? Tomcat vs Turbine vs Avalon?

It seems there is a general movement in ASF to propagate some of the concepts and designs associated with Jakarta and XML projects out to all ASF projects as a whole, unfortunately this is translating into a number of different initiatives that appear to be stepping on each others toes.

Apache Incubator vs. Apache Jakarta vs Apache Commons vs Apache XML vs Apache Avalon vs Apache DB

This might be a big difference in the httpd/Jakarta world. Jakarta treats
'server' quite liberally while httpd has until recently seemed to focus
only on port 80/443 server stuff.

IMHO, the focus now should be on a release of our current efforts in
Jakarta Commons, this will provide a point of reference which we can
grow off of and others can experiment with. It will also get us onto a
more solid release schedule.

This was going to be my question when I started replying. Should Math
focus on a tight release of what they currently have under the J-C
sunshade [as people seem scared of the word umbrella] and then start
trying to figure out what thoughts there are for weird and whacky ideas.

Seems to be what you're saying, so +1.


We should also consider that we may be working other open source
codebases and projects into the Apache project in the future. We should
expect we are going to eventually need more room to work on such
integration and experimentation outside the scope of what we will want
to make modular and available via the Jakarta Commons. I'm convinced I'd
like to see a "parent project" for the Jakarta Commons Math API, I'm not
convinced yet that it should be outside Jakarta. I think initially, as
least, any parent project of math is going to be very Java centric, we
should take things one step at a time and make changes as they are needed.

I think there will be some diplomacy etc to figure out just where a
Jakarta Math or Apache Math or Mapache would live. Once the Math release
in Commons is made, write a couple of scope documents. One for inside
Jakarta and one as a TLP for Apache. See which feels the most comfortable.


Sounds like a good way to move forward.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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