We started with java.apache.org, but had to toss it for trademark reasons.
Thus, Jakarta was born.

No going back now...

On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 12:44:58PM -0600, Ryan Hoegg wrote:
> Perhaps this is a good reason to revive the java.apache.org site.  This 
> would allow jakarta to maintain a separate identity from all other java 
> projects at apache.
> Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> >Quoting David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>The challenge is, of course, that Jakarta doesn't contain (and never
> >>>did) all of
> >>>the "written in the Java language" software at Apache.  Even before
> >>>subprojects
> >>>like Ant, James, and Maven graduated to TLPs, there was the Java code in
> >>>all
> >>>the xml.apache.org project (including Cocoon early on, but that's also
> >>>graduated).  
> >>
> >>That's not how I intended my comments to be taken.  I would like Jakarta
> >>to keep its Java focus but I never meant that all Apache Java projects
> >>should be hosted by Jakarta.
> >
> >But I'm concerned that that's what outside people are likely to *assume* it
> >means, even though we all know better.  In other words, they're going to think
> >it means "ALL things [EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead of "SOME things [EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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