--- Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Rodney Waldhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > "The subproject shall create and maintain packages
> written in the Java
> > language, intended for use in server-related
> development, and designed to
> > be used independently of any larger product or
> framework."
> >
> > in what way is anything in j-c "specifically
> different" from that
> > statement?
> The "intended for use in server-related development"
> is not something I
> believe we should have any more. It creates an
> artificial limit which we
> don't need. The "written in the Java language" is
> also perhaps slightly too
> tight, as we shouldn't exclude [daemon].
> Less importantly, the name 'package' is confusing,
> and component or product
> might make more sense.
> I'm not proposing radical change, just a tidying up
> of the charter,
> especially to eliminate the parts that are clearly
> wrong. References to
> "sponsoring subproject" and "catalog packages and
> other resources" are
> especially inaccurate.
> Stephen

The references to a sponsoring subproject are not
inaccurate.  If you look more closely at the context,
the charter does not say that all Commons components
need a sponsoring subproject.  All it says it that you
can't release project from the sandbox; they must be
integrated into another existing Jakarta subproject or
voted into the Commons Proper.  The charter mentions
the concept of a "sponsor" twice, and in both cases
it's in reference to releasing code from the sandbox.

References to "the directory" are indeed inaccurate. 
They indicate a portion of the project that never took

- Morgan

Morgan Delagrange

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