Quoting David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --- Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: "Rodney Waldhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > "The subproject shall create and maintain packages written in the Java
> > > language, intended for use in server-related development, and designed
> > to
> > > be used independently of any larger product or framework."
> > >
> > > in what way is anything in j-c "specifically different" from that
> > > statement?
> > The "intended for use in server-related development" is not something I
> > believe we should have any more. It creates an artificial limit which we
> > don't need. The "written in the Java language" is also perhaps slightly
> > too
> > tight, as we shouldn't exclude [daemon].
> Jakarta is, and IMO should remain, a Java only project.  This is not
> SourceForge.

The challenge is, of course, that Jakarta doesn't contain (and never did) all of
the "written in the Java language" software at Apache.  Even before subprojects
like Ant, James, and Maven graduated to TLPs, there was the Java code in all
the xml.apache.org project (including Cocoon early on, but that's also

Is someone who comes to the Jakarta home page going to find out they can
download, say, an SVG viewer that is written in Java (Batik)?

I would agree that a web presence that let people identify all the Java-based
projects (or a search capability that lets you specify implementation language
as a criteria) would be a very useful feature.  I don't believe that such a web
presence needs to correspond to the legal organization of the projects
themselves within Apache (although that should, of course, be visible by some
means as well for those that are interested).

> David


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