I have recently had to ask for a rogue collections snapshot to be changed to
point at the 3.0 release. This had been creating a negative impression of

Consider this just my opinion, that it would be nice to have snapshots
clearly separate from releases (two directories in the repository for

In this particular case, I am happy for Mario to put a collections snapshot
in the Apache repository, but hopefully collections 3.1 will be along soon


From: "Dain Sundstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On May 13, 2004, at 2:23 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> > I am opposed to adding snapshots to ibiblio, as I have seen it create
> > isues.
> > IMHO ibiblio should be released/stable code only.
> Can you be more clear?  I think ibiblio snapshots are great and would
> hate to see them go away.  Think of all the projects out there that are
> using apache snapshots that would have to add the apache repo to their
> project.  Not only is this a lot of traffic to apache, I think it also
> sets a bad precedent for other projects.  Think of a project using a
> lot of snapshots and they have to add every small project's repo to the
> repo list (which may also add to the apache traffic as maven has no
> idea which repo may have the snapshot, so it tries them all in order)
> Anyway I'm rambling now....  I am curious about the issues this
> creates.

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