> There is a convergence between the Gump Integration and this unstable
> repository which I hope is occurring, eventually, we hope that Gump will
> be used to produce a nightly build repository for projects, and that
> most projects will start taking advantage of this Continuous Integration
> for their development. I have been watching (lurking?) the Gump folks
> diligently working on this and I think its coming along.

It is, but it'd happen a lot faster if you'd cease and decist lurking and
start discussing. ;-)
[I've had to stop myself sending you P2P mail asking for help more than
once. Not having you involved has meant I've not focused on this. :-(]

The Gump/Maven integration is raising good group/artefact issues, and the
repository aspect is right next. Please come champion this cause & it'll get
a lot more focus. If you like, I can write up a proposal to the gump list to
give you some context of the help I'd like, but mainly I just want your



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