
This looks very good. I think that a Stateful Codec with monitoring would be a powerfull feature for multipart-codec. I'm not experienced with NIO, IS this API restircted to working with just NIO?


Alex Karasulu wrote:

On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 17:09, Eric Dalquist wrote:

I don't see plugability as being a requirement. A streaming encoder/decoder is a larger requirement as the data being encoded into a

This is ugly too and we still have not come up with the final verdict yet but take a look here and let us know if this is within the ballpark of a streaming codec:

multipart message could be quite large and forcing the user to store it in memory wouldn't be very nice.

That's a problem we had especially where DoS attacks are concerned with servers using codecs that process the substrate in one bite.

I think Gary is right about reviving this discussion. There was also
another good fellow named Brett who was also involved perhaps he can
join us as well.

Also there was some commentary on whether or not there is a need to
differentiate between encoders and decoders.  I tried finding the email
regarding this but could not - if anyone has better luck let us know.


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