On 10/16/06, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm -1 on it as it stands, as I have a few problems with the proposed POM:

Ok, you have just convinced me that it is better to make the next
release of commons-fileupload without waiting for the availability of
the commons-parent POM. :-(

I haven't got any objections against you arguments, but it's nasty
asking several times whether "we are ready" and now getting blocking
votes again.

- remove [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the continuum email address and make it


- why do we need a dummy repository?

The comment says it: It should prevent accidental deploys to the
Apache repositories, which are configured in the parent POM (the
Apache root POM). The idea is that I have to use the -Prc or -Prelease
command line switches for deploying. It wasn't my idea, but I like it.

- what value does the scm section provide to inheriters?

None, you are right. I have removed it. But the same holds true for
the issueManagement section. Removed as well.

- When building distributions the notice.txt is placed in the top
level of the generated archive - is it possible to get this in there
somehow too?

You are referring to the distribution archives, not to the jar files,
are you? They are generated by the assembly plugin and I am unaware of
any possibility to configure that from a parent POM.

- Is it possible to get the m2 bug fixed which forces us to use a
whole slew of ant xml to copy over various resources?

Any hope of getting these answered?

1.) It isn't clear that the point is even considered a bug. Copying
the whole "source
   directory" (which is the base directory) may be considered a
feature by some.
2.) We need to get the fix into the source plugins SVN version. From
my experience,
   that can easily take some months.
3.) We need to have a released version of the source plugin containing
the fix. That will
   easily take some months more.

In other words, I don't believe it's reasonable. Besides, I can't see
what problems you have with the current solution. It does exactly what
it's supposed to: Makes sure that the LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt files
are part of the generated jar files.


My wife Mary and I have been married for forty-seven years and not
once have we had an argument serious enough to consider divorce;
murder, yes, but divorce, never.
(Jack Benny)

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