[Moving from infrastructure@ and Jakarta [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I agree with what you said.  And I didn't suggest "taking" content away from
any Community.  That was someone else's reaction to my observation.  My
interest is to have shared content.  If Jakarta is THE place for us all to
put appropriate content, fine.

Centralizing content related to best practices for Java projects in the
Jakarta structure makes sense.  That might include technical content such as
using the site modules, doing builds, using java related tools, perhaps
using JNLP, whatever.  That would be unique information that Jakarta
maintains, differentiated from content related to project policies and
procedures in general.

For example, policies related to project structure, voting, getting
Committers setup, etc., are common across the ASF.  Having three different
sets of instructions for how to request a new Committer, multiple versions
of the CLA, different pages of CVS instructions, etc. isn't productive.  A
project specific page with project specific examples and content is fine,
but IMO the general stuff should be referred to a common page where it can
be maintained when those procedures are modified.  Again, I don't especially
care where that common page resides.

As an observation, since the sites are published directly from CVS modules,
CVS organization is causing documentation to be partitioned by project.
Perhaps some site modules need to be more open so that the content can be in
the organized appropriately for the web.  Perhaps it is the content under
www.apache.org/dev that should be moved to some place else central for
everyone.  I care about about sharing and reuse, not location.

I see this as increasing unless there is a consensus to share documents.
Consider Incubator.  Incubator also has a set of instructions for how to
process a new Committer.  One of the statements made is that projects should
"direct the new committer to the Apache Incubator site for a better
explanation of life here at Apache."  On that page is a comment from Nicola
Ken saying that in addition to the links back to the common files under
www.apache.org/dev, Incubator also "[needs] a page like Jakarta newbie."

I don't really care if these documents are under Incubator, apache.org, or
Middle Earth, but how many copies of the same material do we want to
maintain, and where?  We consider reuse a best practice in code.  I consider
it a best practice for documentation, and am simply trying to express that

Why NOT have shared documents?  I've heard it said that the CVS organization
is the barrier.  OK, so why not look at what reasonable steps could relieve
that barrier?  What would happen if we had an Incubator module open to all
ASF Committers?  Would that lower the barrier and increase reuse?

        --- Noel

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