> I don't see the issue as people not wanting to write documentation,
> just individuals taking the path of least resistance.

I agree.

> Honestly, I'm curious as to how much authority the individual PMCs
> should be exercising to define these processes.  Even a process as
> simple as creating an account for a first time creator can have
> variations.

I think that the answer depends upon within whose domain the item resides.
In the case of account creation, that action item resides in the
infrastructure group.  They, and no one else, should have control over the
procedure(s) involved with respect to the action item.  With respect to
internal project management, that's the PMC's call.

In the case of project management, each PMC ought to be able to define its
own policies and procedures within the broad guidelines provided by the ASF
(perhaps via Incubator and/or Jakarta as the holder of "best practices.").
If a PMC wants to do things differently, or "subclass" a procedure, that's
up to the PMC, IMO.

I don't see shared documents as being about control.  I see it as being
about reuse and ease of access.  On the latter issue, I've started a page at
Greg's suggestion (and looked on the Wiki first to see if there was one),
whose sole purpose is to act as a TOC.  If an existing Wiki page had already
collated information on a particular topic, I just linked to that Wiki page
(re-use) rather than re-implement that effort.

        --- Noel

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