Sander Striker wrote:

Hang on a minute.  Why does everyone need commit access to this one?  All ASF
members have commit access to it.  And more than a few others.  I'm sure it
isn't that hard to find someone to commit sent in patches.  Is generating
and sending in a patch considered too high a barrier?

for many people, yes!! It is very hard to even find people willing to work on
documentation, and when you do find them if you make it even slightly
nontrivial to do their thing, they will often JustDoIt elsewhere or not at all.

that's why wikis are so successful: their barrier to entry is extremely low. Between
finding an error or area that deserves improvement and actually seeing the change you
made live on the website are 30 seconds with a wiki instead of two days or more for
a patch.

for example, there is a useful bit of info about cvs @

that would be nice to have on

Consider the amount of overhead for the average casual apache contributor
in getting it up on that page. It involves something like:

- navigate the wiki for place to add the page
- click "edit this page"
- add a new link
- click "save"
- click the new link
- enter content
- click preview
- verify correctness, edit again
- click save

time taken? maybe a minute or so if you're familiar with wikis, maybe
15 minutes if you're not.

now consider how one gets this information up on

- navigate the site for place to add the page
- figure out where/how the site is maintained
- read the documentation on how to help maintain it
- check out relevant cvs modules
- learn anakia xml format
- find the xml file to edit
- transform content to xml, add page
- add link to this new page from the faq
- run anakia
- view results
- verify correctness, edit again, run anakia again
- learn how to generate patch
- figure out where to send the patch
- generate patch
- type e-mail
- send patch with e-mail to infrastructure list
- followup on the responses
- make a change to your patch as requested by infrastructure
- send another e-mail
- check whether the patch was properly applied and the
 website was properly generated

time taken? maybe 10 minutes if you've got experience with submitting patches,
using ant and anakia, etc. Maybe an hour or two if you're not. Not counting the
time taken by the person applying the patch.

The latter process is acceptable for software, but for documentation it means
that oh, lets say, 95% of your potential documentation contributors do not
even bother to contribute.

Now, giving lots of people cvs commit access does not make all that easier,
but it replaces all of

- learn how to generate patch
- figure out where to send the patch
- generate patch
- type e-mail
- send patch with e-mail to infrastructure list
- followup on the responses
- make a change to your patch as requested by infrastructure
- send another e-mail


- commit the change

which might cut time taken in half for your average jakarta committer who has
experience with using ant, anakia and cvs.

no, the barrier is not high. Yes, it is too high for many, many potential

I can hear you think, "yeah, but a wiki doesn't have enough security". Well,
applying standard risk assessment practices, I would think that HTTP basic
authentication with passwords available to anyone with an
e-mail account is enough protection for the content on
We really don't need public key SSH encryption and CVS commit right
partitioning here.

back into my corner! cheers,

- Leo

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