Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

Had some time between flights:


Do a 'view source' to get the 'trick' so to speak. I'd love suggestions as
to hwo you can make the committer name etc appear. Right nwo I am linking
in the URLs. If you need anything more - let me know. Or I am happy to
move this to ASF hardware and/or have a diffrent URL mapped onto it. It
-does- however require a not entirely trivial infrastructure for the geo
correction, cloudmaps etc.

adding a title="plainName" attribute to the area should do

I imagine that if areas are defined additionally (like Europe, East
Coast, etc.) the browser would do "the right thing" (TM) and allow us
to click straight into sparse people or get a zoomed area clicking in
the outside. Those areas would carry a title="Zoom to Europe", etc.
But I never tested it.

I think a RDF/FOAF file with all the information would be easier to
script, and more general than the current one (in particular to allow
lists or active people (commits, blogs, etc.). (Or learning myself WMS)

That looks again an interesting hack-a-thon project.



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