Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
From: Rodent of Unusual Size <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache Community Worldwide -- again

i think the point that's missing is "how do new committers (or old
ones who haven't yet) get their coordinates onto the map?"

Smart point. Well, what would you say to using [EMAIL PROTECTED]
address (list)?

I am afraid that some new committers (and old ones who have not
been guided properly) would not know the existence of "committers"
module ... etc. etc. The matter is worse, there are many who do not
know this list! This is a chance to evangelize them. :)

I will do the volunteer of notification if needed (and if
there's no one else to volunteer)

P.S. "ICBM howto" is in committers/krell/FAQ .. IIRC.

I know from experience that it took a while for me to become aware of the existence of so many "semi-private" lists/resources. E.g., [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], committers module, planetapache.org, etc.

I think it would be good to announce these again. Perhaps an automatic "welcome new committer" email would be best to bring awareness of these things to future new committers without bothering old committers.

Dave Brondsema : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.splike.com : programming
http://csx.calvin.edu : student org
http://www.brondsema.net : personal

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