I think the new CGOS is ready - I would like to make the 
transition soon.  Probably when I have a day relatively
free in case there are problems.

I will have to update the clients, and I want to make
them configurable (so they can be used with other
instances of the server for other boardsizes.)  

So I'm considering to make the switch on Monday, April 9.   

There are still many changes and improvements I want to
make, but most of them will not directly involve the 
server.  I will continue to upgrade all aspects of 
the system over time, but probably nothing major.

The next thing is some CGI scripts for downloading games,
but this isn't critical to get started.   I have a huge
wish/todo list  for nifty features that will be 
useful to developers, such as automatic saving of game
scores, etc.     The ability to tell your engine the
name and ratings of the opponents will appear in the
next client and it will be your choice to add support
to your engine for receiving this input.

I would like some opinons on the form of this particular
gtp command.

Here is one suggestion:   

   cgos_player color name rating

(these would probably be sent immediately after clear_board
but the protocol isn't fussy about the order of setup 

My hope is that a future version of the protocol would
use the similar idea:  "player color name" 

Another possibility is:

   cgos_player color name
and a separate:
   cgos_rating color rating

Instead of rating, it could be elo, e.g. "cgos_elo w Fatman 1900"
and if the kyu/dan system is use it might be "cgos_rank w GnuGo 5kyu"

Of course it would be nice if in the future, the cgos_ part could
be dropped and these commands could be standardized.

The other possibility is to be able to specify the system in a 
standardized version of the protocol:

  elo cgos white Fatman 1800
  rank kgs black SomeBot 5k

 ... in order to specify the entity that performs the rating

The idea is that whatever I use, could become a defacto standard if
it's properly constructed for a future version of the gtp protocol.

Let's call this my working proposal and how I will set it up if
no one can present a serious objection or an alternative that
seems superior:

   GTP                          EXAMPLES
   ------------------------     --------------------------
   cgos_name color name       ; cgos_name white Lazarus
   cgos_elo color rating      ; cgos_elo white 1990?
   cgos_rank color rank       ; cgos_rank black GnuGo  5kyu

The type (sytactic entity) for the rating or rank would be a "string"
since non-numeric characters can appear.

The cgos_rank case is if in the future CGOS uses kyu/dan ranks 
for the larger board sizes, but more than likely this won't be

Does this seem reasonable and consisent with the spirit of the
GTP protocol?

- Don


- Don

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