On Tue, 2007-04-03 at 23:01 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
>   cgos_player color name 
> example:  cgos_player white Lazarus
>   cgos_elo  color elo_rating
> example:  cgos_elo white 1739?
> and since cgos does use kyu/dan, I don't want to specify
> a command at this time, but if I do it would likely be:
>    cgos_rank  color rank 

Woops,  I meant to say sgos DOES NOT use kyu/dan.

Also, I forgot that I want to be able to specify the cgos
game number,  so I would also add this command:

    cgos_gameid  some_integer

It is likely there will be more than 1 instance of the
CGOS server (perhaps 1 for different board sizes) but I
hesitate to try to distiguish between them with more GTP
commands.   So I would leave it up to the program authors
to keep track of which server a game Id belongs to.

It's of course possible to send this all in one uber 

  cgos_game_info gameID white_name white_elo black_name black_elo

but it does not seem to be in the spirit of GTP.   

Any opinions?  (Is that a stupid question or what?)

- Don

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