On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 10:48:05PM -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
>    cgos_name color name       ; cgos_name white Lazarus

'name' is much used thing, and prone to misunderstandings. I would
prefer 'cgos_opponent' or even 'cgos_opponent_name' to make it
absolutely clear whom we talk about.

>    cgos_elo color rating      ; cgos_elo white 1990?
>    cgos_rank color rank       ; cgos_rank black GnuGo  5kyu

     cgos_opponent_elo and cgos_opponent_rank

That way it could also be extended to return the players own elo or rank
at the end of the tournament round.

     cgos_own_elo, cgos_own_rank

Not that I see any point in making this extension now, but at some time
they might become interesting.

And this still leaves open the possibility to enquire the ratings and
names of other players in a tournament, should we wish to add that at
some point.

Just my $0.02. Of course you do as you please!

   - Heikki

Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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