Hi Heikki,

I already reject using cgos_name because "name" is being used by
the GTP protocol.

I did consider whether to distinguish between the opponent and
the player who is receiving the message.   But it does not seem
in the spirit of of GTP and in programming there is the similar
principle of code factoring - better to pass an argument than to
have multiple functions which essentially perform the same 
function but with perhaps minor variations.   I think GTP used
to have "genmove_white" and "genmove_black" or something like this,
and they saw the wisdom of making this a single command.   I think
that principal applies here.    

I'm also very reluctant to add features that can be computed off-line.
An example of this is that I can make the GTP client produce an SGF
file, since it knows everything about the game.   I could also ask
the server to push a copy of the gtp file to the client, but I prefer
to use the lazy functionality approach - only do what is needed when
it is needed.   

(I violate this principle with the cross-tables, they all exist even 
if nobody looks at them but that is because I hate writing CGI scripts
and this can change later if I want.  At any rate the server doesn't
produce the cross-tables, another process does.)

I am curious about what the group thinks about the uber command, where
everything relevant is sent as a single gtp message?

   cgos_gameinfo gameID white black

   The ratings could be attached to the names or they could be
   explicit arguments:    JoeBot(1743)  FooBot(1239?)

   You could also specify which color this message is being sent
   to, but then the command cannot be used in another context, perhaps
   to view games where there is no specific target intended.

- Don

On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 08:49 +0200, Heikki Levanto wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 10:48:05PM -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> >    cgos_name color name       ; cgos_name white Lazarus
> 'name' is much used thing, and prone to misunderstandings. I would
> prefer 'cgos_opponent' or even 'cgos_opponent_name' to make it
> absolutely clear whom we talk about.
> >    cgos_elo color rating      ; cgos_elo white 1990?
> >    cgos_rank color rank       ; cgos_rank black GnuGo  5kyu
> Likewise
>      cgos_opponent_elo and cgos_opponent_rank
> That way it could also be extended to return the players own elo or rank
> at the end of the tournament round.
>      cgos_own_elo, cgos_own_rank
> Not that I see any point in making this extension now, but at some time
> they might become interesting.
> And this still leaves open the possibility to enquire the ratings and
> names of other players in a tournament, should we wish to add that at
> some point.
> Just my $0.02. Of course you do as you please!
>    - Heikki

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