Heikki Levanto wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 10:03:56PM -0700, Phil G wrote:
>> To my surprise, GoGui can already read SGF with standard coordinates! :)
> I think you are muddying the waters by calling non-standard extensions
> 'standard' coordinates. 
> I don't see any reason why [C4] should be harder to read than [cd]. Not for
> humans, and not for computers. 
I have a few books on GO and there are many articles on the web and they
all seem to use one standard.   Are you saying that the standard is
really 'cd'  and not 'C4' ?

If we are to  stick to one standard what are you saying it should be? 

> I see many good reasons for sticking to *one* standard, and everyone using
> the same. At least for exchange of data - what you use internally in your
> programs is of course your own business.
> Even if a new proposed standard would have many benefits, obvious to everyone
> (which I have not yet seen), I would stuill urge people to consider those
> benefits carefully, and to weigh them against the problems that arise from
> having two incompatible standards.
> Just my personal opinion, of course.
>    - Heikki
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