Much of the discussion in this thread has focused very narrowly on
using an XML format to replace SGF, I believe that if an XML format is
to take off, it should offer capabilities beyond what are possible in
SGF, conversion to XML for XMLs sake is pointless. Possibilities

* A person naming scheme for the players which allows us to say to be
more expressive, both in terms of expressing the name in more than one
language and in terms of expressing that this person has had several
names over their lives.

* A method of versioned annotation that allows me, for example, to say
"version 0.1.3 of myComputerGoPlayer made a mistake by playing at
k12",  "version 0.1.4 of myComputerGoPlayer made a mistake k11" and so
forth, so that these can be dealt with automatically.

* A method for linking to websites of the players, including whether
these are the players own definitive websites, and the languages
they're in.

* A method for presenting translated comments, i.e. the same comments
in different languages, so a program can display only the appropriate

* A rank recording scheme to differentiate between kinds of rank, to
be able to say "Black was at the time of playing 2k AGA, 1k on KGS and
2k on IGS, a month later they got their Shodan certificate from the

* <<insert your idea here>>

I also agree that robust and useful validation suites and conversion
tools are also imperative for such a venture to succeed.

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