I find it interesting the position I am taking on this.    I'm a bit of
believer in not making your parser too forgiving, or gratuitously
breaking standards because it encourages sloppiness.     In the days
when PGN files for chess were just starting to become popular, it was
horrible what you would find in the PGN files.   Castling could appear
as o-o, O-O, 0-0 and e1g1 among other things.    Instead of Nbd2 you
might have the incorrect disambiguation of N1d2 - which describes the
move un-ambiguously, but is non-standard (unless there is also a knight
on b3 in which case N1d2 is correct.)

So many people made their parsers "forgiving" because many of the
problems were easily corrected and it was easy to tell what move was
intended.    The idea was  to make you parser strict on export,
forgiving on import.

The problem with being forgiving on input is that it doesn't  encourage
others to strictly adhere to the standards.   Suddenly new defacto
standards are acceptable which can complicate things.  Once everyone
else forgives, you must forgive or suddenly your software becomes
non-standard in a defacto way.

I think the right way to deal with this is to always be strict but
provide cleaner tools.   If a tool can correct a non-standard format, 
make it clear that it is broken and needs correction.    Then the file
can be passed on in a properly working state.

However,  I differently  with this issue of allowing "standard" notation
with SGF.   I advocate "defining" it as acceptable.   One of the primary
reasons for having non-binary formats such as SGF and XML is to make it
human readable.    It's supposed to be made easy to edit these files
manually without absolutely requiring special tools, not to mention the
ease of debugging.      I would rather look at a text file than a hex
dump and is why we use text formats instead of binary formats.    
Despite posts to the contrary,  "ae" is harder for humans to read than
"E5" for two reasons:

   1.  We are used to "E5" notation.  This IS the standard used by
everything except SGF.   Esperanto may be just as easy to learn as
English but nobody speaks it (or only about 1 million out of 6.5 billion

   2.  I would argue that having a letter and a number is more clear
than having 2 letters or 2 numbers.  This is an aid to distinguishing
file and rank, or row and column.     If I say the A edge, it means
something with "e5" notation but it could mean 2 different things with
"aa" notation.    Number is always row,  Letter is always column.  No
big deal, but nice. 

- Don


Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 08:42 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
>> GTP pretty much replace GMP.    A lot of resistance because GMP was the
>> defacto standard at the time.   It would have been foolish to insist on
>> being backwards compatible.
> GTP was a huge change in protocol with clear benefits.  What's being
> quibbled over now is minor change in the coordinate system at the cost
> of breaking all existing tools, with the exception of a couple that have
> implemented this incompatible change.  The benefit does not outweight
> the cost.
> -Jeff
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