Don Dailey wrote:
Just a few years ago it was widely held that computers will not reach
Dan level "in my lifetime" even in 9x9 Go.    When it happened in 9x9
go,  it was not accepted - the day it happened passed us by and nobody
noticed it.     It's probably still not common knowledge and it will
take time for it to be generally believed.

What is the basis of the claim that a program has reached a certain human rank level?

There should be systematic tests. Let it play against many humans. Let it enter human tournaments. Use a meaningful evaluation context.

For some such evaluation, let me refer to a useful handicap system for 9x9, which has been used in some European 9x9 "Championships": For the first 10 rank differences (0, 1,.., 9) decrease the komi from 6.5 for an even game by 1 point per extra rank. (Komi can become negative.) - OC, I prefer to see even games. OTOH, until the program rank is well known, it may be suitable to let a simgle human (the more humans the better) play until the handicap becomes stable.

robert jasiek
computer-go mailing list

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