Robert Jasiek wrote:
> Where can one play the latest versions of MoGo or other, similarly
> strong programs? It is said that some programs are on KGS, but I
> cannot find them. How to find them? Is it possible to play against
> them as a human on CGOS? I, German 5d, would want to play even games
> on 19x19, 13x13, or 9x9 to learn more about their current playing
> level. How would that be used for assessing the program's strength?
> E.g., KGS ratings are inaccurate by +-600; the standard deviation of
> an EGF high dan rating I subjectively estimate as roughly +-70. So IMO
> ratings are not useful to assess a program's strength against humans.
> When will we see the strong programs entering real world tournaments?
It would be nice to "normalize" the ratings of CGOS to human terms.   If
we had a great deal of data points,  we could construct an ELO to
kyu/dan  formula which could be posted along with the ELO ratings on the
web page.     For instance here is a stab:

        dan = (elo - 2400) / 100

The issue is which constants to use and is this form accurate enough to
encompass a fairly large range of rankings?   Can it be reasonably
accurate at 15k and still accurate at 2 Dan if the constants are
correctly chosen or does it need to be more sophisticated?     At any
rate, I'm more interested in accuracy near the levels of the top

Since we are comparing to human players and also comparing 19x19
rankings to 9x9 rankings, this is a little dicey - but it will still
work.    What we want to know is how a given program is likely to do
against a particular human player and this is just an estimate.    The
human player is of course assumed to be a 19x19 rated player.

The other problem is that there is no universal calibration - a 1 Dan
KGS player may be 2 Dan in some other system.        But perhaps KGS is
universal enough for our needs.

We can rate any number of players on KGS by just playing them for a
hundred games or so - but a lot of games are aborted,  or time added or
take-backs are made, etc.      Also, the games should be played at the
same time control as on CGOS.

- Don

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