Let's make a wild guess.    What if I made the web site report
approximate strength using the following formula:

      dan = (elo - 2300) / 100  

So a 2400 player is 1 dan,  a 2500 player is 2 dan etc.

Here is a table:

      2300 - 1.0 kyu
      2310 - 0.9 kyu
      2320 - 0.8 kyu
      2400 - 1.0 dan
      2410 - 1.1 dan

Does this scale and these constants seem reasonable?   Am I off a class
in either direction?

note:  this is only to estimate the playing strength relative to a 19x19
player since there is no real system that makes sense for 9x9.     I
would simple put this on the crosstable web pages in parenthesis.  e.g.   

           Rated: 2410  (1.1d est.)

- Don

Christoph Birk wrote:
> Robert Jasiek wrote:
>>> Where can one play the latest versions of MoGo or other, similarly
>>> strong programs?
> Would it be possible to publish the MonteGNU code?
> If yes, then a few dan-players could play each at least 20 games
> against it and publish their results. That would allow for a
> rough estimate of MonteGNU's strength (9x9 CGOS = 2100 ELO)
> and a (first) normalization point for CGOS.
> Christoph
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