At the Cotsen Open the encouragement is a prize for the best program.

It has not been very satisfying for me to have SlugGo win it the past
two years by the default of being the only program present. I would
be much happier to have others show up too. I have heard from one
programmer who says he will enter a program next year.

In the past the prize was cash, but at my request they changed it to
a trophy this year ... money disappears but trophies last. If others
are going to enter programs next year I encourage them to tell the
organizers which is more valuable to them.


On 4, Dec 2007, at 10:27 AM, Robert Jasiek wrote:

David Doshay wrote:
When tournament organizers allow and encourage it!

Some (local) European tournaments would allow it. (Some have already done it.) "Encourage" - not yet :)

robert jasiek
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