Edward de Grijs: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>Thanks Hideki, Chris and Jacques for your replies.
>> Hideki wrote:
>> Then, you can make a very simple program that passes a file to stdout
>> first and passes stdin to stdout after the end-of-file of the file.
>> And use it as "a.out file | mogo <arguments>".
>Is this not the way a "tail -f" works?

I don't know the way "tail -f" works but I guess _no_ as "tail" never 
use stdin.  That is, the program opens the file at first and copy it 
to stdout unitl end-of-file.  Then the program closes the file and 
opens stdin and copy it to stdout.

>This is the method I use with gnugo to let te programs play against
>each other. The communication between the programs and server program
>are all using files. This seems fast enough, while I can check all
>the communications which took place.
>This tail -f fails in the same way.
>To check things even more, I tried to communicate using C with popen():
>> FILE *ptr;
>> if ((ptr = popen("mogo --9 --nbTotalSimulations 3000 > mogoout", "w")) != 
>> NULL)
>> {
>> fprintf(ptr, "boardsize 9\n");
>> fprintf(ptr, "genmove b\n");
>> sleep(60);
>> }
>But the result is the same, after these commands, mogo still continues to
>perform multiple genmoves. I am puzzled here...

I guess above code does not work.  Probably MoGo reads the last line 
repeatedly when end-of-file occurs.


>I will look at the ruby script, and there are also twogtp scripts of gnugo
>in python, perl etc. which I could check.
>Probeer Live.nl 
>Probeer Live.nl: zoekmachine van de makers van MSN! 
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