> Thank you for the releases of the Windows version and the Linux 
> version for older processors.
> The Windows version, however, seems much weaker than MoGo that running 
> on KGS these days on 19x19, even giving much longer time setting such 
> as "--time 300" for example.  I guess some other settings than time 
> are necessary.

I'd asked Sylvain this, suggesting he add it to the FAQ. His answer was
roughly it plays on KGS with core2 duo 2.66Ghz with 30s/move at 9x9 and
20s/move at 19x19. (Because it actually uses time management it is
gradually getting less and less as the game moves to middle then endgame.)

I've been playing it at 60s/move on 9x9 (on a celeron 2.8Ghz on linux).
It is getting just under 200K simulations in middle-game positions and
is definitely dan-level. It is fascinating to see it estimating, say,
0.48 chance of win (for itself, mogo is losing) then I play a move and
then it is estimating, say, 0.53 (i.e. mogo is now winning) and almost
every time it is right - I made a mistake.


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