The review of Xiao Ai Lin vs Leela: http://www.weidemyr.com/egc/cg/ XiaoAiLin_Leela-review.sgf


Several people at the congress expressed worries to me about what would happen to the sport Go, if computer programs became stronger and threatened to defeat the strongest men. Go would lose its advantage over chess, they said, and people would feel redundant as computers could do it better.

One man asked me repeatedly to quit running challenges between professionals and computers. The professionals themselves became very nervous when we asked them to play against a computer. It is not hard to imagine the bold headlines after losing, but it is hard to imagine them after winning.

The game between MoGo and Kim Myung Wan was unique, since MoGo run on a large cluster and interesting to watch. (Congratulations MoGo team!) It was also a great way of showing people the progress that has been made in computer-go recently. However, maybe we do not need to use these kinds of challenges as a means of getting media attention.

We would like to find a way to cooperate with the traditional go- community with little friction. What do you think?

Best regards
Basti Weidemyr
kgs: sestir
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