> Also, if you are down 8 or 9 stones, maximizing your winning chances is
> still the right strategy, right?   

With MCTS algorithms the error margin is high at the start of the game,
and low in the endgame. In a handicap game against a stronger opponent
the assumption is that the weaker player will make more mistakes (i.e.
has a higher error margin overall). But MCTS programs don't see it that
way - their opponent model is the same strength as they are. So they
choose a move that gives them 95% (+/- 20%) win (against themselves)
instead of the better move that they only gives them a 90% (+/- 20%) win
(against themselves). (I.e. I'm saying their error margin in the opening
is much greater than the difference in their estimate of move values.)


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
http://dcook.org/mlsn/ (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
                        open source dictionary/semantic network)
http://dcook.org/work/ (About me and my work)
http://darrendev.blogspot.com/ (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
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