In message <>, steve uurtamo <> writes
this made me smile.

i think, though, that wasting a ko threat is wasting a ko threat and
that trying to force a computer into a bad time or memory management
situation seems like a fairly unsound strategy -- you can only really
guarantee that you've done two things (without exact knowledge of the
time and memory management strategy in place on the other end):

* given up the value of a ko threat.
* spent time playing a ko threat that could have been used finding a
good move.
the second effect is perhaps negligible, but the first is (often) not
at all.

Such tricks (though not that exact one) can be very effective against human 8-kyus. Ok, good programs are now much stronger than 8-kyu. But a human 8-kyu who has spent ten minutes pondering does not discard all his results just because I make a ko threat.

Nick Wedd
Computer-go mailing list

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