Am 15.09.2010 17:34, schrieb Jeff Nowakowski:
On 09/15/2010 07:09 AM, terry mcintyre wrote:
There are a fair number of joseki variations which have branches where you are not supposed to play X because you lose a capturing race. Initiate such a
variation, leave it unfinished, move on to the next corner, repeat.

The bot has to comply. It's one thing to speculate, it's quite another to demonstrate over a series of games that the bot consistently gets into capturing races that it then loses. I'd love to see this bot-killer strategy clearly exposed -- not just occasionally, but with something like 80% or greater reliability.

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Multiple semeais and/or L&D problems put a large load on the current mc bots, because they cannot properly handle local fights. Also, in the spectacular cases, some hidden bug with ko or nakade or semeai approach moves is usually involved. But there is no simple recipe how to reach those positions. We are really only talking about post-mortem discussions. And the next version might already have a bug fix for a special case you were hoping to exploit.


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