In message <>, Christoph Birk <> writes
On Tue, 26 Oct 2010, steve uurtamo wrote:
Wouldn't by that definition Poker become a very simple game?
Due to the large "luck factor" even a skilled player wins
only by a relatively small margin against a weaker player.
Even a pro can loose on a bad day against a beginner. This
is not possible in a perfect information game like chess
or go.

actually, it is possible in a perfect information game like chess or go.
it's not possible if you know perfect strategy, but it's always
possible otherwise.

Do we have a miss-understanding?
I wrote that it is impossible for a good player to lose against
a bad player in a perfect information game (eg. go), but
a good play can loose in a game where some luck is involved.

I believe that I am much stronger than IdiotBot. IdiotBot makes its moves at random. But it is not impossible that IdiotBot will beat me, by luckily happening to make good moves.

Nick Wedd
Computer-go mailing list

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