Am Montag, den 18.11.2013, 21:11 +0100 schrieb Petr Baudis:
> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 03:11:22PM +0100, Erik van der Werf wrote:
> > make sure Pachi isn't doing any kind of pondering in the
> > background.
>   Indeed, Pachi will ponder by default. Turn pondering off by passing
>       pondering=0
> on the commandline.

Thanks a lot for the hint!!! From the command line documentation I
thought pondering is off by default.and I did not check it:(

> > pachi -d 0 -t =4000 -r chinese threads=1,max_tree_size=2048
>   Also, it may be worth passing pass_all_alive unless you are doing a
> sophisticated scoring procedure, to make sure Pachi captures all dead
> groups at the end of the game.
>   P.S.: Do your results imply that on 4000 playouts/move, oakfoam is
> quite stronger than Pachi now? I'd love to hear more. :) How does the
> playout speed compare?

Yes, we play even with 1000 against this settings. But I did not take
pondering into account, as I thought it is turned off. Therefore I do
not know if pachi really played 4000 playouts, as I thought.

We have a little less than 1000 playouts/core/second. And my main aim is
to get the iPad version strong, therefore the strength with lower
playouts is more important to me.

I did not optimize parameter against pachi alown, I started running clop
with three opponents gnugo level 10, pachi with this setting and 


with setting
uct_param_player ignore_clock 1
uct_param_player max_games 3000
uct_param_player resign_min_games 5000
uct_max_memory 300000000

All 4 programs have comparable strenght than.

Always happy to share any idea:)



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