Thanks for proviing my point Betty.


On Jan 11, 2008 9:32 PM, b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  > Environmentalism to the tune of this type of video is a religion.
>  >
>  > As such I suppose you can keep your faith and I'll keep my lack of.
>  >
>  > As to the numbers, the Dept. of Agriculture has the forestry numbers.
>  *
>  >
>  >
> There you go again!! Whenever there is a very serious issue that someone
> doesn't understand or doesn't want to be involved with, instead of
> learning more, or shutting up, all of a sudden it's a RELIGION! NO. WRONG.
> Science is not a religion. It's based on repeatedly observable facts.
> Would you like the records that we kept for nearly 15 years of weather
> and energy use in our solar house, and resulting analysis? Why don't you
> take the time to read the scientific reports by real scientists instead
> of the ones paid by Exxon, et al. If you had been paying attention to
> the federal government's record of "scientific" reports during the Bush
> administration--or Bush I, or Reagan--you would have noticed that
> ignorant bureaucrats have been editing and redacting scientific data
> that they don't like. I use the USDA site  often, and many of the more
> useful--and accurate--reports  have been changed to be less useful or
> removed completely. The White House site for a while listed Thomas
> Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, as a Republican!
> The scientists who work for the federal government and want to speak out
> on serious issues are either silenced or fired.
> Want to do something useful to improve the climate and clean the air?
> Plant trees. Lots of them. We've planted over 500. You can too. [Back to
> computers] This might  be a good time to consider your next computer,
> too, and look for the most efficient, best quality, least toxic, most
> recycleable, longest lasting one you can find.
> Betty
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