mike sez:

>I never said anyone was crazy.  I never said anyone was a fanatical
>religious nut either.

Nope. You only said that these debates turn into religious style
arguments and then said Betty proved your point. The implication is
anyone who debates this on either side is doing so from fanatical
devotion to a cause and not from scientific ideas, and that Betty must
be one of those fanatics since she supposedly proved it.

But, hey, if that's how you feel you need to discuss something, then go
right ahead.

The point about Macs being environmentally unfriendly is a much better
attempt, by the way. But then, most computers are; I have yet to see a
computer made up of mulchable products. There is this, though:


Among the info there:

-- Apple was the first computer manufacturer to entirely replace CRT
displays with LCDs.
-- Apple plans to completely eliminate use of PVCs and BFRs bythe end of 2008
-- All Apple computers have earned the Energy Star rating since 2001.
-- Apple phased out lead in batteries five years before the 1996
European battery directive took effect.
-- Macbook Pros now have mercury-free backlit displays

...and more. Much was in place even before GreenPeace began making a
stink a year or so ago.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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